Friday, April 20, 2012

"Wait 'til you have kids"

Or the ever popular
"You should have kids"

It's an annoying pain in the ass to hear it from someone who doesn't know better...but from those who do...


And when I respond that I have 4 children, they're just dead I get an eye roll as if to say "that's not what I meant at all Angela".

No one says that to parents with severely disabled children, even though they probably understand parenting a normal child about as much as I do. But they've seen and interacted with their children and can't deny their existence, even though what they actually mean to say is "wait til you have children like mine, wait til you experience parenting like me".

How very self-centered! No two parenting experiences are alike and choosing to deny mine is to deny the validity, the realness of my children's lives and that is something I simply will not stand for. I am a mother, their mother, and I don't care how many eye rolls or scoffs I get, I will not let anyone do that to my children.

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