Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Pee Stick Controversy

CD25, 12 DPO

I have not peed on a stick yet.  For an average person, not peeing on sticks probably seems like normal behavior, but for an infertile like me?  Its practically unheard of.  But, here's the thing:  I live probably 17 miles from the nearest hpt vendor and I work close enough to home to walk.  That leaves me with two options: Have Mr. Fix-It get some for me on his way home from work or wait until I have legitimate errands to run.

Unfortunately, I haven't left my home/work/post office radius of a couple hundred yards since Sunday and don't have any legitimate reason to drive that far until tomorrow night at the earliest.  Living in the country has many perks.  This is not one of them.

Why not ask my darling husband to get one for me, then?  Well, Mr. Fix-It refuses to buy hpts unless I'm already late.  There are two reasons for this:

  1. He doesn't want me losing my head over every little chemical pregnancy, I'm crazy enough and he figures what I don't know can't hurt me.  Of course, reminding him that, while the first might have come close, I have never had a pregnancy so short that I wouldn't have noticed being late (it's a side-effect of being hopelessly regular) doesn't help. 
  2. Having sent him for a few hots anyways has shown him how much they cost...and the price difference between the ones I like, and the dollar store ones.  His theory is, if they cost so much and your body already gives you a heads up why not just buy one and save it as a confirmation?
Of course, saving one is totally out of the question.  If you let me, I'd go through them like mad.  When you combine that with the fact that I've never seen a multi-pack with more than 4 you quickly see that stockpiling is out of the question.  

And so I sit, 12 DPO  with no hopes of peeing on something for more than 36 hours.  Who invented this cruel game, anyways?


  1. All right, you are in desperate need of the internet cheapies. Seriously, check out the wondofo (or something like that) ones on amazon. So. So. Cheap. Won't help you out this time around, but should if this month isn't the one!

  2. Maybe so. This is our first month back on the horse, so I kinda doubt it'll be our month. It never works that way. But I won't lie, part of me kinda hoped to have something significant to cheer me come Lizzie's due date.

  3. Hi Angela, I'm so glad to see you blogging here. I've been thinking about you. I'll be following along and hoping for a BFP for you very soon!
